milk bar


milk bar

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Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

milk bar englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä A convenience store.

  2. A small shop and/or cafe, often part of a larger shop, that sells fast food and a range of dairy based beverages such as milkshakes and ice creams; a deli or delicatessen.

  3. 1972, w:The Australian|The Australian, quoted in 1988, Lois E. Foster, David Stockley, Australian Multiculturalism: A Documentary History and Critique, %22milk+bars%22+australia&hl=en&sa=X&ei=m2OvT9qwFcmcmQWRm9C4CQ&redir_esc=yv=onepage&q=%22milk%20bar%22|%22milk%20bars%22%20australia&f=false page 211,

  4. As one immigration man put it, “More pofessional migrants — and especially teachers — from countries like Italy and Yugoslavia would help to dispel the idea some Australians still have that the only migrants we get from these countries are milk-bar owners or greengrocers.”
  5. 2008, Anna Krien, Turning off the Lights, Delia Falconer (editor), The Best Australian Stories 2008, %22milk+bars%22+australia&hl=en&sa=X&ei=m2OvT9qwFcmcmQWRm9C4CQ&redir_esc=yv=onepage&q=%22milk%20bar%22|%22milk%20bars%22%20australia&f=false page 131,

  6. Once he was at the milk bar, trying to buy cigarettes with an old bus ticket even though he didn′t smoke. Mum was upset about the cigarettes and the milk-bar man was angry about the bus ticket Dad was shoving into his hand.
  7. 2009, Andrew Bain, Ethan Gelber, Cycling Australia, Lonely Planet, %22milk+bars%22+australia&hl=en&sa=X&ei=m2OvT9qwFcmcmQWRm9C4CQ&redir_esc=yv=onepage&q=%22milk%20bar%22|%22milk%20bars%22%20australia&f=false page 153,

  8. There′s another ATM at the newsagent, although Eftpos is possible at the milk bar and Maldon Pharmacy, both on Main St.
